Thursday, August 4, 2016

Y'all!  That is the only way I know to start this post, because honestly, I have been paralyzed by how exactly to start this for months.  But I know the best way to get back out here is to do it honestly and wholeheartedly, so here I go.

I know without a shadow of a doubt I have been called to write this blog.  I don't know if it is for me or for others, but I DO know it is for Him.  No doubts.  None.  However, over the course of several months, I have continued to let the enemy steal it from me.  Just being real.   And I have learned something very important about this in the course.  We all know the bible tells us that the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy.  He does.  He really, really does every single day.  For a long time I read that passage literally, as in he wants to steal my family, kill my loved ones and destroy my life.  And I believe that is his ultimate motivation.  I also believe, however, that he is cunning and manipulative and knows if he came hard and fast we would be more willing to stand up and declare what is ours.  But if he sneaks in - one little punch at a time, we chalk it up to a bad day, a hectic schedule, a misunderstanding - and before we know it, he has accomplished what he set out to do in the first place and we are left lying on the ground wondering how we got there.   Let's use me for an example, I heard loud and clear from the Lord to be obedient in a number of ways.  Ways that excite me, set me at ease, and show me His overwhelming love for every aspect of my life.  But slowly, I let little lies creep in.  Lies that said "no one is reading this anyway", "you really aren't an authority on what you are saying", "you are too messed up to lead people to Christ", and then I allowed things of the world to suck my time.  Things like social media, chasing things instead of Him, chaotic mornings and anything else the enemy threw my way.  And now months later, here I am, telling myself I can't come back because I have been gone too long.  And then, even right as I type these words and tears well in my eyes, I remember the grace of my Savior.  And how He has said over and over and over to me in my 38 years, you can always come back.  We can always get back on track and I will always love you.  Oh how I love Him!  And here is something else I think I realize, I must have been on to something for the Kingdom or the enemy wouldn't work so hard to keep me off track.  And I don't even have to fight him, because he has already been defeated.  So here I am my calling in my hand, asking the Lord to continue to give me the words to write, the discipline to pursue and the grace that only He can bestow.  And I hope that whoever reads this receives encouragement to get back up and pursue whatever He has called you to pursue.  And to remember it is never too late to come back home.

There it is, my first "I'm Am Here!" blog post and it wasn't even that hard.  And it never is when it is in line with where He wants you to go. Pray for me and I will pray for you that we rightfully declare what is ours, that we stand on the promises He made us individually and as a body of Christ, that we seek his guidance daily and that we listen wholeheartedly, and finally that the enemy takes notice - takes notice that we are not women that fall down and won't get back up - that we are fighters and kingdom movers and daughters of the One who has already won the battle for us!

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