Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Pray and Obey

I have been on the most amazing and exciting journey over the last several months.  Many of you know that I left a full time, fabulous job at the beginning of the summer because I felt called to do so. I will openly admit that there are many times over the course of months I questioned myself and if I had done the right thing.  Had I REALLY heard God correctly?  Would we be OK?  Could we make it?  But I jumped, full of faith, expectation, and trust.  And, y'all, I am SO glad I did.  Has anyone ever told you that if you would get out of God's way and walk the path that He designed specifically for you that life would be better?  THEY ARE SOOOOO RIGHT!

Some women I know talk about how they always knew what their wedding day would be like.  They had dreamed about it and had a perfect vision.  I was not one of those women.  I knew I would be married some day to someone wonderful, I just never thought about the actual day.  However, I have known for as long as I can remember what my children would be like.  I knew how I wanted the room to look, how I wanted to nurture them, what I wanted to teach them, how I would handle the first time their heart broke ,or the first time they broke mine.  I have ALWAYS wanted to be a mom and I know from the very core of my being the kind of mom I want to be.  I have also known since the day I found I out I was FINALLY pregnant with our Madie that I wanted to be able to pick her up everyday after school when she became a kindergartner.

Mike and I have prayed about this for five years.  I wanted to be home in the afternoons and my current work situation was not going to allow for that flexibility
.  But, I also wanted to work and I wanted all the things that my income provides.  But God gave me the most amazing scripture out of the blue one day, 6 months ago.  Isn't it amazing how He does that?  Isn't it absolutely astonishing how you can read over something in bible one day and not even notice until you read it months or years later that He wrote that for you, today that is for you.  I had that moment, I have it more and more.  On this beautiful day 6 or so months ago He said to me, "He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the Lord." Psalm 113:9.  If you know my story you know how very deep and personal that passage is for me.  But it was different this time, my heart slowly began to change.  I no longer had the little flicker of wanting to be home, I had an overwhelming desire and burning to be home.  Overwhelming!  No doubt in my mind, it was time for some change.  So we prayed and obeyed.  And you know, God showed up.  As He always does.  He revealed things in my heart about finances and material things.  He revealed things in our finances to make us more efficient and He opened doors for me to be able to work in a way that would bring me home.  And then He told me to rest.  So I am obeying, one day at a time.  I have no idea what He has in store for us but I do know He will provide and I do know I can trust Him.  I have been amazed at all He has provided, the peace He has given, and how just when I think I know what is happening, He adds an another spectacular layer.  People have said to me "I am so proud of you for living a life you designed".  No, friends, I am living the life HE designed.  He designed for me.  It's not perfect, it's not always beautiful, it is often messy but my, oh my, is it exactly right for me.  Now, if I will just stay out of the way, I am sure it will only get better!

I talk to so many other families that have this need to declutter and destress their lives.  And I wonder, are we going to be the generation that gets it right?  Could we be the women that say "God whatever it is You call me to do, I am ALL in"? I absolutely believe that when we are living out His plan, the distractions and stress this world throws at us becomes so obsolete.  It's still there, it just can't affect you.   Can I be that woman?  I don't know but I do have this desire to challenge my sisters to pray and obey.  What is He saying to you?  He told me it was time for me to serve in a different way, nurture in a different way, and provide in a different way.  He told me that I need to trust Him fully in ALL things, not just the things I want Him to handle.  I know that I know that His journey is different for every single one of us.  I know that my journey is not yours and yours is not mine.  I know that He plants something in you and it continues to flourish as you press in.  Will you press in and see what He has for you?  And will you pray for me as I press in to hear Him for me?

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