Friday, October 23, 2015

Running in the Rain

I went for a run today.  I went for a run today because it is time my friends, it is time.  And as I was out for my exhilarating excruciating run, it began to rain.  And my first thought was, "oh crap, how do I get home quickest, because let's face it, these legs are not the answer."  And then a second thought came to me, actually it was sent within me, "what are all my homeless brothers, sisters and children doing right now?" Their first thought cannot be, "how do I get home quickest?", because they have no home to go to.  And my heart broke for them.

  I pictured myself with my tiny angels and thought,what I would do if I had no where to take them, if I had no bed to provide them.  What would I do?  I think of the woman who left an abusive relationship FOR  her children.  And I am SO proud of her.  I am SO proud of her.  I wonder if I would have the same courage. 

During my run this voice crept in my own head telling me I would never make it, I am not in good enough shape to do this, I just am who I am.  And I wonder what her inner voice sounds like? But then another voice came to me, the one built in the neighborhoods of Brownwood, TX by a mom and dad that are undeniable forces to be reckoned with and little girls that inspire me every day, and that voice said: "You don't quit.  You can do anything you set your mind to.  You are stronger than you know."  So I pushed on.  Because I am surrounded by change-makers, truth-speakers, and love-givers,it is easy for me to know who I am and what I am worth. Do you think our homeless sisters have people surrounding them, speaking life into them?  What do you think that carpenter would have said to them?

 Now I know there are people out there that believe our homeless brothers and sisters somehow did this to themselves.  They are drug addicts, they say.  Some are, not all.  They are lazy, they say.  Some are, not all.  They don't want help.  Some don't, not all.  See, I have this carpenter friend that I am mighty fond of, and he once said to a bunch of people, "Let anyone of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."  I put down my stone, won't you. 

Now I ask you to do something with me.  Would you be a blessing to a homeless person this week?  Would you notice them?  Give them a buck or a burger.  Or just look at them, look deep into their eyes in a way that says "you are seen, you are seen!".  Be bold, be brave, be a change-maker, truth-speaker, and love-giver.  Tell me your stories, I want to hear them! 

"Now go, I will help you to speak and teach you what to say."  Exodus 4:12
#BeABlessing #DoSomething #RunningintheRain

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