Saturday, October 10, 2015

He Has Made Me Brave

My favorite place on earth is at my parent's place at the beach.  We have been coming to same place for 30 + years.  SO many memories have been made here, revelations given, hearts healed.  I have walked a million miles on this beach.  Some hand in hand with my mom, and then my hubby and now my girls.  And always Him.  He always shows up with me here.  I love this place.  And as I sit here today looking out at the vast ocean and crashing waves, I cannot help but think about how deep, how vast, and how overwhelming His love is for me.  I cannot help but think of Peter and the day Jesus called him out into the water.  Matthew 14: 28- 31 in the NIV says this:
"Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."  "Come," he said.  Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.  But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"  Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.  "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"
How many times as He called me out to Him and I have let fear of the unknown overtake faith in the known?   I wonder how many starts he has given me only for me to cry out, "Lord, save me!" and jump back on the boat.  Yet, I know he keeps calling me out.  And He has made me brave.  I have made so many decisions, both big and small, lately that were only made because of the bravery he has been preparing in me my whole life.  And just like Peter, every time He called me out and fear took over, He has immediately reached out His hand and taken me back to safety.  Our God is a patient, loving, kind and courteous Father.  A word was recently spoken over me that referenced Isaiah 30:18 in The Message it says:
"But God's not finished.  He's waiting around to be gracious to you.  He's gathering strength to show mercy to you.  God takes time to do everything - right.  Those who wait around for him are the lucky ones."
I am so grateful my prophetic sister shared this word with me.  He tells me He is gracious and courteous.  Waiting on me just as I am waiting on Him.  And He's not finished.  I know in my spirit that He is preparing to call me deeper.  And I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that He is preparing me to be BRAVE enough to continue out of the boat even as the waves crash over me.

I speak bravery over my girls every day.  Not bravery in the world's definition, or Disney's definition.  Although I do know it will take His definition of bravery for them to slay the dragons the world unleashes on them.  I want my girls to know the bravery of jumping out of the boat and running with abandon to the Savior.  And I want them to know it now.  I want them to know that when you can trust nothing else, you can trust Him and He is in you.  My oldest recently showed me a version of her brave heart that made me so proud.  And it made me most proud because it wasn't a popular decision and she knew she would get in trouble for it but she did it anyway.  After I heard her side of the story and watched her face prepare the wrath of mommy, I surprised her.  I told her I was proud of her decision.  I was proud she was BRAVE enough to trust her own voice over that of her friends and didn't follow them in something that didn't feel right.  And she is 5!  I'm not often brave enough to veer from the crowd of my friends at 25 (you all know I'm not 25 but this is my blog and I can say what I want). Way to go baby girl.  Way to trust in yourself, because she and I both know she isn't trusting herself.  She already knows that voice deep within her heart that tugs at you isn't hers, it's His.  And His voice is always the one to listen to intently.

What is the Lord asking you to be brave enough to do?

Are you speaking bravery over your little ones, daily?  They need it.  They need it more than we ever did.  They are living in a world that tells them what we are teaching them isn't cool, isn't educated, and isn't real.  They will be more brave than we ever were.

How fun are these shirts from Beachtown Baby on Etsy for speaking Bravery over our babies?  I think we may have to have them.

Brave Arrow Tee by beachtownbaby on Etsy:

Will your pray this prayer as you listen to this amazing worship song?:

"Father, I pray you will make me brave in you.  I pray Father that I will walk, without hesitation, directly to you.  I trust you Lord, I know you are there, immediately.  What do you want me to do in You today to prepare me for where we are headed?  Lord, will you help me to speak bravery over my children.  Will you bless them with warrior hearts prepared for every battle the world will surround them with?  Show me their little acts of bravery every day so I can call that out in them, Jesus.  Thank you for your vast, overwhelming and perfect love. It is your love that gives me the courage to follow in the path you have designed distinctly for me.   In Jesus name, amen."

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