Thursday, October 8, 2015

When Just is Enough

What am I called to be?  What is my PURPOSE?  How can I change the world?  Does anyone else find these daunting questions, well, daunting?  Sisters, I am here with the most amazing revelation.  It is like it is all, suddenly, crystal clear.  

Purpose, Calling, they aren't daunting.  They are ingrained, deep within you ready to blossom when you are.  For years I have longed to understand what it was God would have me do.  Now I think I have known ALL along.  I had the absolute privilege to participate in a class at my home church, Gateway, over that last couple of months. In this class a our lovely leader made it all seem so simple.  What do YOU love to do?  What would you stay up all night to accomplish even if you weren't getting paid?  What gives you that nervous and excited feeling? 

The Lord spent some time really revealing some things to me about my passion.  The passion part was actually really easy, but the perception from others about said passion was what He needed to work through with me.  For as long as I can remember, I have known what I love to do and it has not changed.  That said, I have always felt it was a little bit of a "just" thing to do.  Let me explain, I am a good small town Texas girl.  We go big or we go home.  Big hair, big cars, big bags, big accessories, big dreams and bigger accomplishments.  I was experiencing success beyond my age in the workplace, people were proud of me.  I was happy.  I wasn't satisfied.  I wasn't satisfied because the core of my heart wasn't there.  The core of my heart was and is at home.  I "just" want to be a mom, I "just" want to be doting wife, a dependent neighbor, an amazing friend.  I "just" want to be the person you can depend on to pick up the slack when you need it done.  But that didn't feel noble enough.  Not something I felt like saying out loud, even though by heart was SCREAMING it all day long.  It didn't feel noble enough.  It can't possibly be big enough to be my calling, my purpose.  What would others think of me if this is what I aspire to be?  People expect more.  I know, I will start a non-profit, my own foundation and I will love on others that way.  

And then, in a way that our amazing God always does, He revealed SO many things to me.  He said, STOP.  For the love of Pete, Cassie, STOP.  This is not about YOU, This is not what others think about YOU. This is about how I designed YOU to accomplish things only YOU can do.  And your JUST is enough.  More than enough, it is divinely appointed and now is your time. 

 And by the way, He is never done.  My thing today may not be my thing tomorrow, most likely will not be.  Embrace this season, be obedient and watch what He can do through YOU.  

This week was a deep and meaningful revelation for me.  It was simple; I was honest with myself and God about what I love to do more than anything.  What I would stay up ALL night for and never want a dime to do?  I have known that answer always.  I LOVE taking care of others. I will go to great lengths to be sure people feel special, noticed, heard.    I heard the Lord say to me loud and clear – this is enough.  This is meaningful.  Stay in direct contact with me about all you are asked to take on and I will be sure every single person I intend for you take care of will be set upon your path.  And it will be big for those people. 

He was also very clear to me about my goals right now:

1.       DO NOT overbusy yourself – you need to be available to serve and nurture those I place in your path.  DO NOT sign up for another thing until you pray about it. 
2.       Don’t try to make this too big – let me bless it control it and guide it – it will be big enough
3.       Entertain, serve, and spend time with others.  I really will let you do that –
4.       Start at home.  Honor your husband.  And then your kids.  And then the community I define for you

 This week was a walk of small obedience.  Buying a few treats for friends to bless their day but not making it bigger and better.  Just being led.  Preparing a meal for a friend that I thought needed it and not worrying about the elaborateness of the meal but rather the greatness of the love.  Allowing my kids to walk slowly, admiring EVERY SINGLE FALLEN LEAVE instead of trying to rush them off to the next thing we needed to do.  I didn’t wait to make a call to a friend that I knew was hurting until I had the well planned words, I called immediately and let  Him have the words.  This week was beautiful.  Because I allowed Him to design it AND fully execute it.  I obeyed.  And I think some times He asks me to do things “Cassie” style because that person needs to feel over the top small town Texas love.  However, a lot of times I thing He is asking me to do very small things because that person needs to feel all consuming, overpowering, unconditional, heavenly Father love.  And He delivers that through me.  And that, my friends, is more than just enough. 

I challenge you, Sisters, to honor your JUST.  Let it be enough.  Let Him be enough.  Let us get out of each other's way, our own way, and live out our purpose, our calling today.  You know what it is.  Listen, pray, and then obey.  

1 comment :

  1. Cassie! You are amazing! I love your heart and your hilarity and am blessed to have met you! I will be stalking your blog because this is truth! And because I too am obsessed with little girl clothes shopping!
    Hollie Black
