Thursday, October 6, 2016

Why I Burn Bagels.......

It's true.  It totally happened.  I burned my 4 year old's bagels for breakfast this morning.  That is insanity.  Now, let me clarify something - chef, I am not.  I pretended for a while I wanted to be some foodie mom, I really don't.  I read Jen Hatmaker and Shauna Niequist and how they love to cook and gather people around the table and how it's healing for the soul.  Let me tell you something sisters, if you gather around my table for something I cooked - it is not healing for your soul, or your appetite.  I am, however, the chief of warming stuff up.  I mean it.  I can warm up stuff like a champ.  I take great pride in the flawless way I can put together a pretty dang good meal using the chef case and some vision.  My hubs and I are the perfect pair - I am the visionary, he is the executor.  In all things, but especially in the kitchen.  I am a presentation pro, I have all the right serving ware, I know how to pull off a theme like Martha Stewart and, luckily for all I invite over, my husband is, in fact, the chef de McQuitty casa.  None of that is why I burned the bagels, it just feels good to get it out there.

 So why did I burn these ridiculous tiny bagels?  Because I am so distracted and multi-task like a crazy person, I cannot even remember that I put the tiny bagels in the big oven.  The mornings around our house these days feels a lot like a marathon.  We wake up and the race begins - no warm up, no stretching, just straight to the starting blocks.  And by the time I get these precious little humans who call me momma out the door, I need a water break or wine break but then I really wouldn't get anything else done for the rest of the day and there are still like 12 more hours before we even start the bedtime marathon.  So - it got me thinking.  How many other mommas feel like they start and end their days with two equally grueling marathons where you are so distracted trying to get everyone everything they need you burn the bagels.  Or worse, you miss something amazing - like the twinkle in my daughters' eyes when they first stumble out of bed with the adorable bed head.  Or the sweet, sweet confessions of bedtime.  I really don't want to be distracted during those moments, I want to hold those moments like a precious treasure, because that is what they truly are.  I have some ideas on how to make my marathons feel more like a leisurely stroll.

1.  Prep what I can for the mornings the night before - easy stuff like filling water bottles, and signing school papers.
2.  Lay out AGREED UPON outfits the evening before
3.  Give the girls responsibility and hold them to it - like get your own snack, make your bed
4.  Don't touch my phone until they are gone for the day.  This seems like a big one for me.  My phone is my ultimate distractor - one email, text or social media totally takes my mind from the present and that's not fair to anyone.
5.  Start with my own quiet time to center myself.  This won't be my normal quiet time but just 10-15 minutes to say good morning and thank you to my heavenly father always sets my mind in just the way it should be before my own little angels come bouncing down the stairs
6.  Finally, and most importantly, set the timer for the dang bagels.

I know the enemy uses distractions all day long, every day to steer us off course.  As long as we are reeling and running, we will miss all the glory and goodness right in front of us.  If we dwell in chaos and noise, we miss the sweet tenderness of silence and peace.  I'm praying for Him to show me distractions for what they are and steer me back to the present.  Pun intended.  So here's to slowing down, focusing on single tasks, and perfect bagels.

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